Type of webview provider to get
Web view provider with the given name if one exists, undefined otherwise
Sets up the service. Only runs once and always returns the same promise after that
Sends a message to the specified web view. Expected to be used only by the IWebViewProvider that created the web view or the WebViewControllers that represents the web view created by the Web View Provider.
is used to
deliver the message to the web view iframe. The web view can use
window.addEventListener("message", ...)
in order to receive these messages.
Id of the web view to which to send a message.
Nonce used to perform privileged interactions with the web view. Pass in the
nonce the web view provider received from IWebViewProvider.getWebView's webViewNonce
parameter or from WebViewFactory.createWebViewController's webViewNonce
Data to send to the web view. Can only send serializable information
targetOrigin: stringExpected origin of the web view. Does not send the message if the web view's
origin does not match. See postMessage
for more information. Defaults to same origin only (works automatically with React and HTML web
Register a web view controller to represent a web view. It is expected that a web view provider calls this to register a web view controller for a web view that is being created. If a web view provider extends WebViewFactory, it will call this function automatically.
A Web View Controller is a network object that represents a web view and whose methods facilitate communication between its associated web view and extensions that want to interact with it.
You can get web view controllers with webViewService.getWebViewController.
Type of web view for which you are providing this web view controller
Id of web view for which to register the web view controller
Object to register as a web view controller including control over disposing of it. Note: the web view controller will be disposed automatically when the web view is closed
WARNING: setting a web view controller mutates the provided object.
modified to be a network object
Register a web view provider to serve webViews for a specified type of webViews
Type of web view to provide
Object to register as a webView provider including control over disposing of it.
WARNING: setting a webView provider mutates the provided object.
modified to be a network object and able to be disposed with dispose
Get a web view provider that has previously been set up