

Type declarations provided for use in Platform.Bible extensions

This is a types package that provides type declarations for papi and other important interfaces through which extensions interact with Platform.Bible.

The documentation includes a variety of types to support different aspects of the project. For extension development, the most crucial sections to focus on are:

  • @papi/backend: PAPI objects that can be accessed in the backend of the extension.
  • @papi/core: Types for use when interacting with the PAPI.
  • @papi/frontend: PAPI objects that can be accessed in the frontend of the extension.
  • @papi/frontend/react: React hooks to help interaction between React components and the PAPI.
  • papi-shared-types: Extensible interface declarations shared between core and extensions to expose extension API types on the PAPI

Feel free to explore other sections based on your specific needs and context.

Install dependencies:

  1. Follow the instructions to install paranext-core.
  2. (This step is automatically performed on running npm install in paranext-core) In paranext-core/lib/papi-dts, run npm install to install published dependencies.