Gets localizations on the papi.

  • Parameters

    • localizationKeys: `%${string}%`[]

      Array of keys to get localizations of

      WARNING: MUST BE STABLE - const or wrapped in useState, useMemo, etc. The reference must not be updated every render

    • OptionallocalizationLocales: string[]

      Array of localization languages to look up the keys in

      WARNING: MUST BE STABLE - const or wrapped in useState, useMemo, etc. The reference must not be updated every render

    • OptionalsubscriberOptions: DataProviderSubscriberOptions

      Various options to adjust how the subscriber emits updates

      Note: this parameter is internally assigned to a ref, so changing it will not cause any hooks to re-run with its new value. This means that subscriberOptions will be passed to the data provider's subscribe<data_type> method as soon as possible and will not be updated again until dataProviderSource or selector changes.

    Returns [localizedStrings: LanguageStrings, isLoading: boolean]


    • localizedStrings: The current state of the localizations, either defaultState or the stored state on the papi, if any