Type alias ComboBoxProps<T>

ComboBoxProps<T>: {
    buttonPlaceholder?: string;
    buttonVariant?: ButtonProps["variant"];
    className?: string;
    commandEmptyMessage?: string;
    dir?: Direction;
    disabled?: boolean;
    getOptionLabel?: ((option) => string);
    id?: string;
    onChange?: ((newValue) => void);
    options?: readonly T[];
    textPlaceholder?: string;
    value?: T;
} & PopoverProps

Type Parameters

  • T

Type declaration

  • Optional buttonPlaceholder?: string

    Text displayed on button if value is undefined

  • Optional buttonVariant?: ButtonProps["variant"]

    Variant of button

  • Optional className?: string

    Additional css classes to help with unique styling of the combo box

  • Optional commandEmptyMessage?: string

    Text to display when no options match input

  • Optional dir?: Direction

    Text direction ltr or rtl

  • Optional disabled?: boolean

    Component is not enabled when true

  • Optional getOptionLabel?: ((option) => string)

    Used to determine the string value for a given option.

  • Optional id?: string

    Optional unique identifier

  • Optional onChange?: ((newValue) => void)

    Triggers when content of textfield is changed

      • (newValue): void
      • Parameters

        • newValue: T

        Returns void

  • Optional options?: readonly T[]

    List of available options for the dropdown menu

  • Optional textPlaceholder?: string

    Placeholder text for text field

  • Optional value?: T

    The selected value that the combo box currently holds. Must be shallow equal to one of the options entries.