
Platform.Bible React

A set of React hooks and components that allow developers of Platform.Bible extensions to have the same look and feel as the main application.


Inspired by

When we publish this npm package, then in the root package.json, a version can be given to platform-bible-react instead of the existing file link. At that time we will likely need to use npm link and npm unlink to develop the components (see here).


  • Decide if this package will be public, if not it will probably need an NPM organization setup to publish it to privately.
  • What NPM user login will we use to publish it (each developer or an app-wide user)?


Setting up

To set up the dev environment to build, you must run the following from paranext-core:

npm i

Previewing platform-bible-react

Once you have set up your environment, you can run the following command in this folder to preview platform-bible-react components (src\preview\app.component.tsx):

npm start

Building platform-bible-react

Once you have set up your environment, you can run the build command in this folder to build platform-bible-react:

npm run build

Or you can build from paranext-core:

npm run build:platform-bible-react

If you want a quick build that doesn't lint, run the following:

npm run build:basic

Do not commit changes after running this basic build. Before committing, always run a full build.