Parts of the Scroll Group Service that are exposed through the network object

interface IScrollGroupRemoteService {
    getScrRef(scrollGroupId?: number): Promise<ScriptureReference>;
        scrollGroupId: undefined | number,
        scrRef: ScriptureReference,
    ): Promise<boolean>;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


  • Get the ScriptureReference associated with the provided scroll group


    • OptionalscrollGroupId: number

      Scroll group whose Scripture reference to get. Defaults to 0

    Returns Promise<ScriptureReference>

    Scripture reference associated with the provided scroll group

  • Sets the ScriptureReference associated with the provided scroll group


    • scrollGroupId: undefined | number

      Scroll group whose Scripture reference to get. If undefined, defaults to 0

    • scrRef: ScriptureReference

      Scripture reference to which to set the scroll group

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    true if the Scripture reference changed. false otherwise