Types corresponding to each user setting available in Platform.Bible. Keys are setting names, and values are setting data types. Extensions can add more user setting types with corresponding user setting IDs by adding details to their .d.ts file.

Note: Setting names must consist of two strings separated by at least one period. We recommend one period and lower camel case in case we expand the api in the future to allow dot notation.

An extension can extend this interface to add types for the user settings it registers by adding the following to its .d.ts file (in this example, we are adding the myExtension.highlightColor setting):

declare module 'papi-shared-types' {
export interface SettingTypes {
'myExtension.highlightColor': string | { r: number; g: number; b: number };
interface SettingTypes {
    "platform.commentsEnabled": boolean;
    "platform.interfaceLanguage": string[];
    "platform.paratextDataLastRegistryDataCachedTimes": {
        [key: string]: string;
    "platform.ptxUtilsMementoData": { [key: string]: string };
    "platform.verseRef": ScriptureReference;


"platform.commentsEnabled": boolean

Enable reading and writing comments in projects. This is an experimental feature.

"platform.interfaceLanguage": string[]

List of locales to use when localizing the interface. First in the list receives highest priority. Please always add 'en' (English) at the end when using this setting so everything localizes to English if it does not have a localization in a higher-priority locale.

"platform.paratextDataLastRegistryDataCachedTimes": { [key: string]: string }

Tracking last S/R registry data cache time managed in the dotnet process and used for interacting with ParatextData.

"platform.ptxUtilsMementoData": { [key: string]: string }

Mementos managed in the dotnet process and used for interacting with PtxUtils. Mementos are persisted objects containing some data. They are stored as xml strings.

"platform.verseRef": ScriptureReference

Current Verse Reference for Scroll Group A. Deprecated - please use papi.scrollGroups and useWebViewScrollGroupScrRef