Variable menuDocumentSchemaConst
menuDocumentSchema: {
$defs: {
columnsWithHeaders: {
description: string;
patternProperties: {
"^[\\w\\-]+\\.[\\w\\-]+$": {
additionalProperties: boolean;
description: string;
properties: {
isExtensible: { description: string; type: string };
label: { $ref: string; description: string };
localizeNotes: { description: string; type: string };
order: { description: string; type: string };
required: string[];
type: string;
properties: { isExtensible: { description: string; type: string } };
type: string;
groupsAndItems: {
description: string;
properties: {
groups: { $ref: string; description: string };
items: {
description: string;
items: { $ref: string };
type: string;
uniqueItems: boolean;
required: string[];
type: string;
localizeKey: { description: string; pattern: string; type: string };
menuGroups: {
additionalProperties: boolean;
description: string;
patternProperties: {
"^[\\w\\-]+\\.[\\w\\-]+$": {
description: string;
oneOf: (
| {
additionalProperties: boolean;
properties: {
column: { $ref: string; description: string };
isExtensible: { description: string; type: string };
menuItem?: undefined;
order: { description: string; type: string };
required: string[];
| {
additionalProperties: boolean;
properties: {
column?: undefined;
isExtensible: { description: string; type: string };
menuItem: { $ref: string; description: string };
order: { description: string; type: string };
required: string[];
type: string;
type: string;
menuItem: {
description: string;
oneOf: (
| {
properties: {
command?: undefined;
iconPathAfter?: undefined;
iconPathBefore?: undefined;
id: { $ref: string; description: string };
required: string[];
| {
properties: {
command: { $ref: string; description: string };
iconPathAfter: { description: string; type: string };
iconPathBefore: { description: string; type: string };
id?: undefined;
required: string[];
properties: {
group: { $ref: string; description: string };
label: { $ref: string; description: string };
localizeNotes: { description: string; type: string };
order: { description: string; type: string };
searchTerms: { $ref: string; description: string };
tooltip: { $ref: string; description: string };
required: string[];
type: string;
unevaluatedProperties: boolean;
menusForOneWebView: {
additionalProperties: boolean;
description: string;
properties: {
contextMenu: { $ref: string; description: string };
includeDefaults: { description: string; type: string };
topMenu: { $ref: string; description: string };
type: string;
multiColumnMenu: {
allOf: (
| { $ref: string; properties?: undefined; required?: undefined }
| {
$ref?: undefined;
properties: { columns: { $ref: string; description: string } };
required: string[];
description: string;
type: string;
unevaluatedProperties: boolean;
referencedItem: { description: string; pattern: string; type: string };
singleColumnMenu: {
allOf: { $ref: string }[];
description: string;
type: string;
unevaluatedProperties: boolean;
additionalProperties: boolean;
properties: {
defaultWebViewContextMenu: { $ref: string; description: string };
defaultWebViewTopMenu: { $ref: string; description: string };
mainMenu: { $ref: string; description: string };
webViewMenus: {
additionalProperties: boolean;
description: string;
patternProperties: { "^[\\w\\-]+\\.[\\w\\-]+$": { $ref: string } };
type: string;
required: string[];
title: string;
type: string;
} = ...
Type declaration
$defs: {
columnsWithHeaders: {
description: string;
patternProperties: {
"^[\\w\\-]+\\.[\\w\\-]+$": {
additionalProperties: boolean;
description: string;
properties: {
isExtensible: { description: string; type: string };
label: { $ref: string; description: string };
localizeNotes: { description: string; type: string };
order: { description: string; type: string };
required: string[];
type: string;
properties: { isExtensible: { description: string; type: string } };
type: string;
groupsAndItems: {
description: string;
properties: {
groups: { $ref: string; description: string };
items: {
description: string;
items: { $ref: string };
type: string;
uniqueItems: boolean;
required: string[];
type: string;
localizeKey: { description: string; pattern: string; type: string };
menuGroups: {
additionalProperties: boolean;
description: string;
patternProperties: {
"^[\\w\\-]+\\.[\\w\\-]+$": {
description: string;
oneOf: (
| {
additionalProperties: boolean;
properties: {
column: { $ref: string; description: string };
isExtensible: { description: string; type: string };
menuItem?: undefined;
order: { description: string; type: string };
required: string[];
| {
additionalProperties: boolean;
properties: {
column?: undefined;
isExtensible: { description: string; type: string };
menuItem: { $ref: string; description: string };
order: { description: string; type: string };
required: string[];
type: string;
type: string;
menuItem: {
description: string;
oneOf: (
| {
properties: {
command?: undefined;
iconPathAfter?: undefined;
iconPathBefore?: undefined;
id: { $ref: string; description: string };
required: string[];
| {
properties: {
command: { $ref: string; description: string };
iconPathAfter: { description: string; type: string };
iconPathBefore: { description: string; type: string };
id?: undefined;
required: string[];
properties: {
group: { $ref: string; description: string };
label: { $ref: string; description: string };
localizeNotes: { description: string; type: string };
order: { description: string; type: string };
searchTerms: { $ref: string; description: string };
tooltip: { $ref: string; description: string };
required: string[];
type: string;
unevaluatedProperties: boolean;
menusForOneWebView: {
additionalProperties: boolean;
description: string;
properties: {
contextMenu: { $ref: string; description: string };
includeDefaults: { description: string; type: string };
topMenu: { $ref: string; description: string };
type: string;
multiColumnMenu: {
allOf: (
| { $ref: string; properties?: undefined; required?: undefined }
| {
$ref?: undefined;
properties: { columns: { $ref: string; description: string } };
required: string[];
description: string;
type: string;
unevaluatedProperties: boolean;
referencedItem: { description: string; pattern: string; type: string };
singleColumnMenu: {
allOf: { $ref: string }[];
description: string;
type: string;
unevaluatedProperties: boolean;
additionalProperties: boolean
properties: {
defaultWebViewContextMenu: { $ref: string; description: string };
defaultWebViewTopMenu: { $ref: string; description: string };
mainMenu: { $ref: string; description: string };
webViewMenus: {
additionalProperties: boolean;
description: string;
patternProperties: { "^[\\w\\-]+\\.[\\w\\-]+$": { $ref: string } };
type: string;
required: string[]
title: string
type: string
JSON schema object that aligns with the PlatformMenus type