Function formatReplacementStringToArray

  • Formats a string into an array of objects (adjacent strings are concatenated in one array entry), replacing {replacer key} with the value in the replacers at that replacer key (or multiple replacer values if there are multiple in the string). Will also remove \ before curly braces if curly braces are escaped with a backslash in order to preserve the curly braces. E.g. 'Hi, this is {name}! I like \{curly braces\}! would become Hi, this is Jim! I like {curly braces}!

    If the key in unescaped braces is not found, returns the key without the braces. Empty unescaped curly braces will just return a string without the braces e.g. ('I am {Nemo}', { 'name': 'Jim'}) would return 'I am Nemo'.

    Note: React elements can be used as replacer values.

    Type Parameters

    • T = unknown


    • str: string

      String to format and break out into an array of objects

    • replacers: object | { [key: string | number]: T }

      Object whose keys are replacer keys and whose values are the values with which to replace {replacer key}s found in the string to format. If the replacer value is a string, it will be concatenated into existing strings in the array. Otherwise, the replacer value will be added as a new entry in the array

    Returns (string | T)[]

    Array of formatted strings and replaced objects

    {formatReplacementStringToArray('Hi {other}! I am {name}.', {
    other: 'Billy',
    name: <span className="tw-text-red-500">Jim</span>,
    'Hi, this is {name}! I like \{curly braces\}! I have a {carInfo} car. My favorite food is {food}.',
    { name: ['Bill'], carInfo: { year: 2015, color: 'blue' } }


    ['Hi, this is ', ['Bill'], '! I like {curly braces}! I have a ', { year: 2015, color: 'blue' }, ' car. My favorite food is food.']