Class AsyncVariable<T>

This class provides a convenient way for one task to wait on a variable that another task sets.

Type Parameters

  • T


  • Creates an instance of the class

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • variableName: string

      Name to use when logging about this variable

    • rejectIfNotSettledWithinMS: number = 10000

      Milliseconds to wait before verifying if the promise was settled (resolved or rejected); will reject if it has not settled by that time. Use -1 if you do not want a timeout at all. Defaults to 10000 ms

    Returns AsyncVariable<T>


  • get promise(): Promise<T>

    Get this variable's promise to a value. This always returns the same promise even after the value has been resolved or rejected.

    Returns Promise<T>

    The promise for the value to be set


  • Reject this variable's promise for the value with the given reason


    • reason: string

      This variable's promise will be rejected with this reason

    • throwIfAlreadySettled: boolean = false

      Determines whether to throw if the variable was already resolved or rejected. Defaults to false

    Returns void

  • Resolve this variable's promise to the given value


    • value: T

      This variable's promise will resolve to this value

    • throwIfAlreadySettled: boolean = false

      Determines whether to throw if the variable was already resolved or rejected. Defaults to false

    Returns void